July 13, 2012

What a Day!

Lesson Planning with a Librarian
This was a very interesting exercise, and very useful indeed. My team was awesome. Pat was amazing, she was so helpful. One thing that she said saddened me. She said that she almost never gets projects from the science department, and that was because of the curriculum didn’t give the teachers time for wiggle room. The team hammered out a lesson plan, and a good one too. Stephen brought up a very good point in class about how difficult lesson planning is. Something to keep in mind. Also, I never knew how much librarians did, or could do; so much behind the scenes that I’ve never heard about. Was it like that when I was in school? It’s interesting how we all picture school differently and how we bring our own experiences to teaching. The more I learn, the less I know. 

How cool. I’ve heard of podcasts before and I’ve listened to plenty of them, but I never really thought about creating one or just how useful they can be. I don’t know how I felt about creating one though. The objective was to create one so we’re familiar with it and are able to make one. Done. That was pretty easy. However, me being myself, I spent way too much time on it (not that you can tell), because it’s pretty low quality. I was going through all this music, and it was all starting to sound the same. I got into making a good podcast as opposed to the idea of just knowing how to make the podcast. Which reminded me of the last class, or maybe something that we read, everything is blending together. Anyway, someone sometime warned us about assigning something that will take away from the objective of the assignment itself and the student will concentrate on making their product good or cool (yep, that’s me, I get into it). But it made me realize something about myself: it’s not that I don’t know technology, I’m just not fluent at it. It takes me a little longer, and I’m not as good, but I’m still capable of utilizing it properly. So that’s why I kind of gave up on making it awesome. I babble. Job is done, I got the point. But it was cool, too cool. Now I have one more thing to use to avoid studying.

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